Display Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
GLCD (ks0108) | 2 | Graphics LCD library - Use a 128x64 graphical LCD. Displays fonts, bitmaps, pixels, lines, circles. |  | Yes | Yes | |
LiquidCrystal | 1.0.3 | Character type LCD library. Displays text and limited custom characters. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
OctoWS2811 | 1.0 | Control thousands of WS2811-based LEDs. |  | No | No | Yes |
FastSPI_LED | | Efficiently control various types of LED strips. |  | Yes | Yes | Partial |
Matrix & Sprite | 1.0 | Control many LEDs. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
LedDisplay | 0.4 | Very bright 4 or 8 character display. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
LedControl | - | Control 7-segment display or LEDs. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
DogLcd | 1.0.0 | Use DOG-M Displays with only 4 pins |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dogm128 | 1.1.2 | Use DogM 128 and similar Graphical Displays |  | | | |
ST7565 | - | Graphical LCD, 128x64 |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Communication Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
Ethernet | 1.0.4 | Connect to the Internet or a local Ethernet network. Ethernet allows you to create Internet applications like web servers. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AltSoftSerial | 1 | Serial port emulated by software |  | Yes | Yes | No |
NewSoftSerial | 10c | Serial port emulated by software |  | Yes | Yes | No |
SoftwareSerial | 0018 | Known bugs - use NewSoftSerial |  | Yes | Yes | No |
MIDI | 2.6 3.1.1 | Control & Communicate with Musical Instruments |  | Yes | Yes | |
PS2Keyboard | 2.4 | PS2 Keyboard for user input |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
DmxSimple | 3 | DMX lighting control - |  | No | Yes | | |
Firmata | 1.0.3 | Control hardware from Flash, Max/MSP, Puredata, etc |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Wire | 1.0.3 | Communicate with I2C (2 wire) devices |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SPI | 1.0 | Communicate with SPI devices |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
OneWire | 2.2 | Communicate with Maxim/Dallas 1-wire devices |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XBee | 0.2.1 | Communicate using XBee wireless modules |  | Yes | Yes | |
VirtualWire | 1.5 | Very Cheap Wireless Communication |  | Yes | Yes | No |
X10 | 0.4 | Control X10 AC Power Devices |  | Yes | Yes | |
IRremote | 0.11 | Infrared Remote Control, Send & Receive |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iPodSerial | | |  | | | |
TinyGPS | 12 | Process GPS data into useful variables, Latitude, Longitude, Time, etc |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
USBHostShield | 1.0 & 2.0 | Connect other USB devices. |  | Yes | Yes | No |
CmdMessenger | | Send messages between boards using serial |  | | | |
Input and Sensor Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
Bounce | 1.5 | Reliably read pushbuttons or mechanical sensors with contact chatter |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Keypad | 3.1 | Read Keypads with Row-Column Wiring |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Encoder | 1.1 | Use Quadrature Encoder Position/Rotation Sensors |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
DallasTemperature | 3.4.0 | |  | Yes | | |
MAX6675 | 1.1 | Thermocouples (high temperature measurement) |  | | | |
Ping | 2.0 | Ultrasonic Distance Measurement |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
CapacitiveSensor | 04 | Create Sensors That Can Detect Touch or Proximity |  | Yes | Yes | |
FreqCount | 1.0 | Frequency Measurement, best for 1 kHz to 5 MHz range |  | Yes | Yes | No |
FreqMeasure | 1.0 | Frequency Measurement, best for 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz range |  | Yes | Yes | No |
SensorLib | | CdS light, Audio Mic, PIR Motion Sensors |  | Yes | Yes | |
TouchScreen | | Use glass touch sensitive screens |  | | | |
Device Control and Signal Output Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
Servo | 1.0.3 | Control servo motors, commonly used in remote control planes |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Stepper | 1.0.4 | Control stepper motors, which make slow & precise movement easy |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AccelStepper | 1.30 | Control stepper motors, with many extra features beyond the Stepper library |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PID | | |  | | | |
DDS Sinewave | | |  | | | |
FrequencyTimer2 | 2 | Create a zero jitter output frequency |  | No | Yes | Alt |
Tlc5940 | r014 | 16 or more 12 bit PWM outputs |  | Yes | Yes | No |
SoftPWM | 0003 | Additional PWM outputs on any pins |  | Yes | Yes | |
ShiftPWM | 1.03 | Additional PWM outputs with shift registers |  | Yes | Yes | No |
RgbLed | | Control RGB LEDs |  | | | |
TV Out | | Video Signal Output |  | | | |
MCP4728 | | Four 12 bit Analog Outputs |  | | | |
Timing and Time Keeping Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
Time | | Time keeping, Date & Time, and sync to other sources. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TimeAlarms | | Run functions at specific times. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
DS1307RTC | | Access a DS1307 Real Time Clock |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Metro | 2.3.2 | Schedule events to occur at regular intervals. |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TimerOne | | Use Timer1 to run a function and control PWM signals |  | Yes | Yes | |
MsTimer2 | 0.6 | Run a function every millisecond. |  | Yes | Yes | |
FlexiTimer2 | | Run a function on a configurable interval. |  | Yes | Yes | |
TimerThree | | Use Timer3 to run a function and control PWM signals |  | Yes | Yes | |
Data Manipulation Libraries
Library | Version | Description | Web | Teensy 2.0 | Teensy++ 2.0 | Teensy 3.0 |
EEPROM | 1.0.4 | Non-volatile (permanent) data storage |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SD | | |  | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SdFat | 20100611 | |  | Yes | Yes | |
Flash | | |  | | | |
TextString | | |  | | | |
PString | | |  | | | |
Streaming | | |  | | | |
Base64 | | Encode binary into base-64, and vise-versa. |  | | | |
Entropy | 0.6 | Generate truly random numbers |  | Yes | Yes | |