2022年7月1日 星期五


長程微波轉播系統為避免超越傳播(Over Shoot or Over Reach)而產生干擾或同一極化 而引起的相互干擾轉播系統中的發射與接收頻率或電波極化(垂直或水平)均依照CCIR 382-2 規定排列


Frequency frogging頻率蛙跳(頻率岔移)

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In telecommunication, the term frequency frogging has the following meanings:

  1. The interchanging of the frequencies of carrier channels to accomplish specific purposes, such as to prevent feedback and oscillation, to reduce crosstalk, and to correct for a high frequency response slope in the transmission line.
  2. In microwave radio relay systems, the alternate use of two frequencies at repeater sites to prevent feedback and oscillation.
  3. 交換載波信道的頻率以實現特定目的,例如防止反饋和振盪、減少串擾以及校正傳輸線中的高頻響應斜率
  4. 微波無線電中繼系統中,在中繼站交替使用兩個頻率來防止反饋和振盪。

Note: Frequency frogging is accomplished by having modulators, which are integrated into specially designed repeaters, translate a low-frequency group to a high-frequency group, and vice versa. A frequency channel will appear in the low group for one repeater section and will then be translated to the high group for the next section because of frequency frogging. This results in nearly constant attenuation with frequency over two successive repeater sections, and eliminates the need for large slope equalization and adjustments. Singing and crosstalk are minimized because the high-level output of a repeater is at a different frequency than the low-level input to other repeaters. It also diminishes group delay distortion. A repeater that receives on the high band from both direction and sends on the low band is called Hi-Lo; the other kind Lo-Hi.

在電信中,頻率蛙泳一詞具有以下含義: 1. * 交換載波信道的頻率以實現特定目的,例如防止反饋和振盪,減少串擾,以及校正高頻響應斜率。傳輸線。2. * 在微波無線電中繼系統中,在中繼站交替使用兩個頻率以防止反饋和振盪。



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