2020年8月2日 星期日

Arduino + MySQL Database basic insert

Arduino + MySQL Database ---- basic insert

  MySQL Connector/Arduino Example : basic insert
  This example demonstrates how to issue an INSERT query to store data in a
  table. For this, we will create a special database and table for testing.
  The following are the SQL commands you will need to run in order to setup
  your database for running this sketch.
  CREATE DATABASE test_arduino;
  CREATE TABLE database.hello_arduino (
    num integer primary key auto_increment,
    message char(40),
    recorded timestamp
  Here we see one database and a table with three fields; a primary key that
  is an auto_increment, a string, and a timestamp. This will demonstrate how
  to save a date and time of when the row was inserted, which can help you
  determine when data was recorded or updated.

  For more information and documentation, visit the wiki:
  1) Create the database and table as shown above.
  2) Change the address of the server to the IP address of the MySQL server
  3) Change the user and password to a valid MySQL user and password
  4) Connect a USB cable to your Arduino
  5) Select the correct board and port
  6) Compile and upload the sketch to your Arduino
  7) Once uploaded, open Serial Monitor (use 115200 speed) and observe
  8) After the sketch has run for some time, open a mysql client and issue
     the command: "SELECT * FROM test_arduino.hello_arduino" to see the data
     recorded. Note the field values and how the database handles both the
     auto_increment and timestamp fields for us. You can clear the data with
     "DELETE FROM test_arduino.hello_arduino".
  Note: The MAC address can be anything so long as it is unique on your network.
  Created by: Dr. Charles A. Bell
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <MySQL_Connection.h>
#include <MySQL_Cursor.h>

IPAddress server_addr(52,76,27,242);    // IP of the MySQL *server* here  Server: sql12.freemysqlhosting.net
char user[] = "sql1213q581063";            // MySQL user login username
char password[] = "PqD1QzNS6p3B";         // MySQL user login password

//Port number: 3306
//Lookup Hostname: sql12.freemysqlhosting.net
//Lookup IPv4 Address:

// WiFi card example
char ssid[] = "7qw41e702r87";         // your SSID
char pass[] = "24q0e63173";     // your SSID Password

// Sample query
char INSERT_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO sql12358063.hello_arduino (message) VALUES ('Hello, Arduino!')";

WiFiClient client;                 // Use this for WiFi instead of EthernetClient
MySQL_Connection conn((Client *)&client);

void setup() {

  // Begin WiFi section
  Serial.printf("\nConnecting to %s", ssid);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  // print out info about the connection:
  Serial.println("\nConnected to network");
  Serial.print("My IP address is: ");

  Serial.print("Connecting to SQL...  ");
  if (conn.connect(server_addr, 3306, user, password)) {
    Serial.println("Connection failed.");

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Recording data.");
  // Initiate the query class instance
  MySQL_Cursor *cur_mem = new MySQL_Cursor(&conn);
  // Execute the query
  // Note: since there are no results, we do not need to read any data
  // Deleting the cursor also frees up memory used
  delete cur_mem;




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