2017年11月4日 星期六

MicroPython MQTT

MicroPython MQTT 

#  main.py
# 2 個程式都是要Download 到 NodeMCU  
#  main.py simple.py 
# 注意Addressn 0x27 或是 0x3f
# lcd=I2cLcd(i2c, 0x27, 2, 16)   #指定 I2C Slave 設備位址與顯示器之列數, 行數
# lcd=I2cLcd(i2c, 0x3f, 2, 16)   #指定 I2C Slave 設備位址與顯示器之列數, 行數
# leds 0 = d3   ,   1 = d10   ,  2 = d4 ,  3 = d9 ,  4 =  d2  ,  5 = d1
#       9 = sdd2 , 10 = sdd3
#     12 = d6    ,  13 = d7   ,  14 = d5 , 15 = d8 , 16 = d0
from simple import MQTTClient
import machine
import time
import network

wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # create station interface
wlan.active(True)       # activate the interface
wlan.scan()             # scan for access points
wlan.connect('My ASUS', 'alex9981') # connect to an AP
wlan.isconnected()      # check if the station is connected to an A

while not wlan.isconnected():

print("Connected to Wifi\n")
client = MQTTClient("", "broker.mqtt-dashboard.com", port=1883)
client.settimeout = settimeout

while True:
     print("Sending ON")
     client.publish("alex9ufo/lights", "ON")
     print("Sending OFF")
     client.publish("alex9ufo/lights", "OFF")


import usocket as socket
import ustruct as struct
from ubinascii import hexlify

class MQTTException(Exception):

class MQTTClient:

    def __init__(self, client_id, server, port=0, user=None, password=None, keepalive=0,
                 ssl=False, ssl_params={}):
        if port == 0:
            port = 8883 if ssl else 1883
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.sock = None
        self.server = server
        self.port = port
        self.ssl = ssl
        self.ssl_params = ssl_params
        self.pid = 0
        self.cb = None
        self.user = user
        self.pswd = password
        self.keepalive = keepalive
        self.lw_topic = None
        self.lw_msg = None
        self.lw_qos = 0
        self.lw_retain = False

    def _send_str(self, s):
        self.sock.write(struct.pack("!H", len(s)))

    def _recv_len(self):
        n = 0
        sh = 0
        while 1:
            b = self.sock.read(1)[0]
            n |= (b & 0x7f) << sh
            if not b & 0x80:
                return n
            sh += 7

    def set_callback(self, f):
        self.cb = f

    def set_last_will(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0):
        assert 0 <= qos <= 2
        assert topic
        self.lw_topic = topic
        self.lw_msg = msg
        self.lw_qos = qos
        self.lw_retain = retain

    def connect(self, clean_session=True):
        self.sock = socket.socket()
        addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1]
        if self.ssl:
            import ussl
            self.sock = ussl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **self.ssl_params)
        premsg = bytearray(b"\x10\0\0\0\0\0")
        msg = bytearray(b"\x04MQTT\x04\x02\0\0")

        sz = 10 + 2 + len(self.client_id)
        msg[6] = clean_session << 1
        if self.user is not None:
            sz += 2 + len(self.user) + 2 + len(self.pswd)
            msg[6] |= 0xC0
        if self.keepalive:
            assert self.keepalive < 65536
            msg[7] |= self.keepalive >> 8
            msg[8] |= self.keepalive & 0x00FF
        if self.lw_topic:
            sz += 2 + len(self.lw_topic) + 2 + len(self.lw_msg)
            msg[6] |= 0x4 | (self.lw_qos & 0x1) << 3 | (self.lw_qos & 0x2) << 3
            msg[6] |= self.lw_retain << 5

        i = 1
        while sz > 0x7f:
            premsg[i] = (sz & 0x7f) | 0x80
            sz >>= 7
            i += 1
        premsg[i] = sz

        self.sock.write(premsg, i + 2)
        #print(hex(len(msg)), hexlify(msg, ":"))
        if self.lw_topic:
        if self.user is not None:
        resp = self.sock.read(4)
        assert resp[0] == 0x20 and resp[1] == 0x02
        if resp[3] != 0:
            raise MQTTException(resp[3])
        return resp[2] & 1

    def disconnect(self):

    def ping(self):

    def publish(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0):
        pkt = bytearray(b"\x30\0\0\0")
        pkt[0] |= qos << 1 | retain
        sz = 2 + len(topic) + len(msg)
        if qos > 0:
            sz += 2
        assert sz < 2097152
        i = 1
        while sz > 0x7f:
            pkt[i] = (sz & 0x7f) | 0x80
            sz >>= 7
            i += 1
        pkt[i] = sz
        #print(hex(len(pkt)), hexlify(pkt, ":"))
        self.sock.write(pkt, i + 1)
        if qos > 0:
            self.pid += 1
            pid = self.pid
            struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 0, pid)
            self.sock.write(pkt, 2)
        if qos == 1:
            while 1:
                op = self.wait_msg()
                if op == 0x40:
                    sz = self.sock.read(1)
                    assert sz == b"\x02"
                    rcv_pid = self.sock.read(2)
                    rcv_pid = rcv_pid[0] << 8 | rcv_pid[1]
                    if pid == rcv_pid:
        elif qos == 2:
            assert 0

    def subscribe(self, topic, qos=0):
        assert self.cb is not None, "Subscribe callback is not set"
        pkt = bytearray(b"\x82\0\0\0")
        self.pid += 1
        struct.pack_into("!BH", pkt, 1, 2 + 2 + len(topic) + 1, self.pid)
        #print(hex(len(pkt)), hexlify(pkt, ":"))
        self.sock.write(qos.to_bytes(1, "little"))
        while 1:
            op = self.wait_msg()
            if op == 0x90:
                resp = self.sock.read(4)
                assert resp[1] == pkt[2] and resp[2] == pkt[3]
                if resp[3] == 0x80:
                    raise MQTTException(resp[3])

    # Wait for a single incoming MQTT message and process it.
    # Subscribed messages are delivered to a callback previously
    # set by .set_callback() method. Other (internal) MQTT
    # messages processed internally.
    def wait_msg(self):
        res = self.sock.read(1)
        if res is None:
            return None
        if res == b"":
            raise OSError(-1)
        if res == b"\xd0":  # PINGRESP
            sz = self.sock.read(1)[0]
            assert sz == 0
            return None
        op = res[0]
        if op & 0xf0 != 0x30:
            return op
        sz = self._recv_len()
        topic_len = self.sock.read(2)
        topic_len = (topic_len[0] << 8) | topic_len[1]
        topic = self.sock.read(topic_len)
        sz -= topic_len + 2
        if op & 6:
            pid = self.sock.read(2)
            pid = pid[0] << 8 | pid[1]
            sz -= 2
        msg = self.sock.read(sz)
        self.cb(topic, msg)
        if op & 6 == 2:
            pkt = bytearray(b"\x40\x02\0\0")
            struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 2, pid)
        elif op & 6 == 4:
            assert 0

    # Checks whether a pending message from server is available.
    # If not, returns immediately with None. Otherwise, does
    # the same processing as wait_msg.
    def check_msg(self):
        return self.wait_msg()



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