2017年1月1日 星期日

ESP8266 ESP-12E Test Boards A0 ADC Test

0V-1V ==> 0-1024 10bit ADC 
ESP8266 ESP-12E Test Boards A0 ADC

ADC Specifications

When referring to the ESP ADC pin you will often hear these different terms interchangeably:
  • ADC (Analog-to-digital Converter)
  • TOUT
  • Pin6
  • A0
  • Analog Pin 0
All these terms refer to the same pin in the ESP8266 that is highlighted in the next section.
Currently, TOUT (Pin6) has a 10-bit precision and its input voltage range is 0 to 1.0 V when TOUT is connected to an external circuit.
參考 http://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-adc-reading-analog-values-with-nodemcu/

//Tools -> Board -> Generic ESP8266 Module

//ESP8266 ESP-12E Test Boards A0 ADC Test Program
// The CDS (LDR is cutted off) on Active
//AO input Voltage Rabge 0-1V 
const int LDR = A0;

void setup() 
    pinMode(LDR, INPUT);

void loop()
    Serial.print("LDR: ");
    Serial.println(analogRead(LDR));   // 0V-1V ==> 0-1024 10bit ADC 



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