2024年5月28日 星期二

產業專班 作業2 (使用 WOKWI 模擬 RFID UID )

產業專班 作業2 (使用  WOKWI 模擬 RFID UID ) 

(執行時 需先按 

建立LED資料庫   建立RFID資料庫)


#include <ArduinoMqttClient.h>
#include <WiFi.h>

//MFRC522 程式庫  模擬mfrc522 定期送出卡號
//#include <SPI.h>
//#include <MFRC522.h>

//#define LED 13      //定義LED接腳
int LED = 13;

char ssid[]="Wokwi-GUEST";
char pass[]="";

WiFiClient wifiClient;
MqttClient mqttClient(wifiClient);

//const char broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org";
const char broker[] = "broker.mqtt-dashboard.com";
int        port     = 1883;
String json = "";
int id[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

const char *SubTopic1 = "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/LED_control";
const char *PubTopic2 = "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/LED_status";
const char *PubTopic3 = "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/RFID_UID";
//const char *PubTopic4 = "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/RFID_PICC";

const char willTopic[] = "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/Starting";
//#define SS_PIN       5        // 晶片選擇腳位
//MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);    // 建立MFRC522物件
//MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;  // 儲存金鑰
//MFRC522::StatusCode status;
//布林代數 LED狀態 是否連上網路ESP32 ready ?
bool ledState = false;
bool atwork = false;
bool Send = false;  //true
String LEDjson = "";
int Count= 0;
bool Flash = false;  //true
bool Timer = false;  //true

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long interval = 30000;
String decimalToHex(int decimal) {
  // Create an empty string to store the hexadecimal value.
  String hex = "";
  // Loop through each digit of the hexadecimal value.
  while (decimal > 0) {
    // Get the remainder when dividing the decimal value by 16.
    int remainder = decimal % 16;
    // Convert the remainder to its hexadecimal representation.
    char hexDigit;
    if (remainder < 10) {
      hexDigit = '0' + remainder;
    } else {
      hexDigit = 'A' + remainder - 10;
    // Add the hexadecimal digit to the front of the string.
    hex = hexDigit + hex;
    // Divide the decimal value by 16 to move to the next digit.
    decimal /= 16;
  // Return the hexadecimal value.
  return hex;
void onMqttMessage(int messageSize) {
  // we received a message, print out the topic and contents
  Serial.print("Received a message with topic '");
  String Topic= mqttClient.messageTopic();
  Serial.print("', duplicate = ");
  Serial.print(mqttClient.messageDup() ? "true" : "false");
  Serial.print(", QoS = ");
  Serial.print(", retained = ");
  Serial.print(mqttClient.messageRetain() ? "true" : "false");
  Serial.print("', length ");
  Serial.println(" bytes:");
  String message="";
  // use the Stream interface to print the contents
  while (mqttClient.available()) {
    message += (char)mqttClient.read();


  if (Topic=="alex9ufo/2024/RFID/LED_control") {
  if (message == "on") {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);  // Turn on the LED
    //ledState = true;  //ledState = ture HIGH
    //設定 各個 旗號
    LEDjson ="ON";
    Send = true ;
    Serial.print("LED =");

  if (message == "off" ) {
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Turn off the LED
    //ledState = false; //ledState = false LOW
    LEDjson ="OFF";
    Send = true ;
    Serial.print("LED =");
  if (message == "flash" ) {
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Turn off the LED
    Flash = true;
    Timer = false;
    LEDjson ="FLASH";
    Send = true ;  
    Serial.print("LED =");

  if (message == "timer" ) {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Turn off the LED
    Flash = false;
    Timer = true;
    LEDjson ="TIMER";
    Send = true ;
    Count= 11;
    Serial.print("LED =");


String printHex(byte *buffer, byte bufferSize) {
      String id = "";
      for (byte i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
        id += buffer[i] < 0x10 ? "0" : "";
        id += String(buffer[i], HEX);
        id +=" ";
      return id;
//副程式  setup wifi
void setup_wifi() {
  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  Serial.println(ssid);     //print ssid
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);  //初始化WiFi 函式庫並回傳目前的網路狀態
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  }   //假設 wifi 未連接 show ………

  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");
//判斷 旗號Flash , Timer 是否為真
void LED_Message() {
  //判斷 旗號 Flash / timer  是否為真 ? 閃爍 定時
  if (Flash){
    digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(LED));
    if (digitalRead(LED))
      ledState = true;
      ledState = false;

  } //(Flash)

  if (Timer) {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
    if (digitalRead(LED))
      ledState = true;
      ledState = false;

  if (Count == 0 ){
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
    ledState = false;
  } //(Timer)
  ////判斷 旗號 Send 是否為真 回傳MQTT訊息到MQTT Broker 
  if (Send) {
    // Convert JSON string to character array
    Serial.print("Publish message: ");

    bool retained = false;
    int qos = 1;
    bool dup = false;
    // Publish JSON character array to MQTT topic
    mqttClient.beginMessage(PubTopic2,  LEDjson.length(), retained, qos, dup);  //LED Status
    Send = false;    //處理過後 旗號 Send為假

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);  // Turn off the LED initially
  //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
  Serial.begin(115200);   // Initialize serial communications with the PC
  while (!Serial);    // Do nothing if no serial port is opened (added for Arduinos based on ATMEGA32U4)
  Serial.println("You're connected to the network");
  String willPayload = "ESP32 Start working....!";
  bool willRetain = true;
  int willQos = 1;

  mqttClient.beginWill(willTopic, willPayload.length(), willRetain, willQos);

  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, port)) {
    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");

    while (1);
  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  // set the message receive callback
  Serial.print("Subscribing to topic: ");
  // subscribe to a topic
  // the second parameter sets the QoS of the subscription,
  // the the library supports subscribing at QoS 0, 1, or 2
  int subscribeQos = 1;
  mqttClient.subscribe(SubTopic1, subscribeQos);

  //SPI.begin();      // Init SPI bus
  //mfrc522.PCD_Init();   // Init MFRC522
  delay(4);       // Optional delay. Some board do need more time after init to be ready, see Readme
  //mfrc522.PCD_DumpVersionToSerial();  // Show details of PCD - MFRC522 Card Reader details
  //Serial.println(F("Scan PICC to see UID, SAK, type, and data blocks..."));
void loop() {
  // call poll() regularly to allow the library to receive MQTT messages and
  // send MQTT keep alives which avoids being disconnected by the broker
  // to avoid having delays in loop, we'll use the strategy from BlinkWithoutDelay
  // see: File -> Examples -> 02.Digital -> BlinkWithoutDelay for more info
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

 // if (mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
  //   Serial.println(F("Please scan MIFARE Classic card..."));
  // 確認是否有新卡片
  //  byte *id = mfrc522.uid.uidByte;   // 取得卡片的UID
  //  byte idSize = mfrc522.uid.size;   // 取得UID的長度
  //  String Type;
  //  Serial.print("PICC type: ");      // 顯示卡片類型
  // 根據卡片回應的SAK值(mfrc522.uid.sak)判斷卡片類型
  //  MFRC522::PICC_Type piccType = mfrc522.PICC_GetType(mfrc522.uid.sak);
  //  Type= mfrc522.PICC_GetTypeName(piccType);
  //  Serial.println(mfrc522.PICC_GetTypeName(piccType));
  //  Serial.print("UID Size: ");       // 顯示卡片的UID長度值
  //  Serial.println(idSize);

  //  for (byte i = 0; i < idSize; i++) {  // 逐一顯示UID碼
  //    Serial.print("id[");
  //    Serial.print(i);
  //    Serial.print("]: ");
  //    Serial.println(id[i], HEX);       // 以16進位顯示UID值
  //  }
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >=interval) {

  for(int i=0; i < 5; i++)
    id[i] = random(255);
    Serial.println(id[i], HEX);       // 以16進位顯示UID值
    Serial.print(" ");  


    String json1="";
    //String json1=printHex(mfrc522.uid.uidByte, mfrc522.uid.size);
    for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      json1 += id[i] < 0x10 ? "0" : "";
      json1 += String(id[i], HEX);
      json1 +=" ";

    json = json + json1;

    bool retained = false;
    int qos = 1;
    bool dup = false;

    mqttClient.beginMessage(PubTopic3,  json.length(), retained, qos, dup);

    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    // Dump debug info about the card; PICC_HaltA() is automatically called
    // 令卡片進入停止狀態
    // Dump debug info about the card; PICC_HaltA() is automatically called
    // mfrc522.PICC_DumpToSerial(&(mfrc522.uid));
    //mfrc522.PCD_StopCrypto1(); // stop encryption on PCD

Node-Red 程式

[ { "id": "de94877be821c022", "type": "tab", "label": "2024產專班 作業2 ", "disabled": false, "info": "", "env": [] }, { "id": "d8886d19ed817b4d", "type": "sqlite", "z": "de94877be821c022", "mydb": "f5c97c74cc496505", "sqlquery": "msg.topic", "sql": "", "name": "LED_STATUS", "x": 540, "y": 380, "wires": [ [ "b693b296bc9dbb05" ] ] }, { "id": "3d78470fe40a253b", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "CREATE DATABASE", "func": "//CREATE TABLE LEDSTATUS (\n//id INTEGER,\n//STATUS TEXT,\n//Date DATE,\n//Time TIME,\n//PRIMARY KEY (id)\n//);\n//CREATE TABLE LEDSTATUS (id INTEGER,STATUS TEXT,Date DATE,Time TIME,PRIMARY KEY (id));\nmsg.topic = \"CREATE TABLE LEDSTATUS (id INTEGER,STATUS TEXT,Date DATE,Time TIME,PRIMARY KEY (id))\";\nreturn msg;\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 320, "y": 380, "wires": [ [ "d8886d19ed817b4d" ] ] }, { "id": "b5aa34b08dd0e6c5", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 10, "width": 3, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "建立LED資料庫", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "建立資料庫", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 100, "y": 380, "wires": [ [ "3d78470fe40a253b", "6403be567fef0c83" ] ] }, { "id": "2ad08ae5e4938728", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 1, "width": 1, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "ON", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "on", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 70, "y": 20, "wires": [ [ "9260190ef89016b8", "3f94a3388af27988", "9ea8d029f3defa26" ] ] }, { "id": "8c922987b04504e5", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 2, "width": 1, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "OFF", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "off", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 70, "y": 60, "wires": [ [ "9260190ef89016b8", "3f94a3388af27988", "9ea8d029f3defa26" ] ] }, { "id": "028329a10f91c6ba", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 3, "width": 2, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "TIMER", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "timer", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 80, "y": 100, "wires": [ [ "9260190ef89016b8", "3f94a3388af27988", "9ea8d029f3defa26" ] ] }, { "id": "39d1fb8a26430fbd", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 4, "width": 2, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "FLASH", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "flash", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 80, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "9260190ef89016b8", "3f94a3388af27988", "9ea8d029f3defa26" ] ] }, { "id": "2289c4addb72da83", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "INSERT", "func": "var Today = new Date();\nvar yyyy = Today.getFullYear(); //年\nvar MM = Today.getMonth()+1; //月\nvar dd = Today.getDate(); //日\nvar h = Today.getHours(); //時\nvar m = Today.getMinutes(); //分\nvar s = Today.getSeconds(); //秒\nif(MM<10)\n{\n MM = '0'+MM;\n}\n\nif(dd<10)\n{\n dd = '0'+dd;\n}\n\nif(h<10)\n{\n h = '0'+h;\n}\n\nif(m<10)\n{\n m = '0' + m;\n}\n\nif(s<10)\n{\n s = '0' + s;\n}\nvar var_date = yyyy+'/'+MM+'/'+dd;\nvar var_time = h+':'+m+':'+s;\n\nvar myLED = msg.payload;\n\n\nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO LEDSTATUS ( STATUS , Date , Time ) VALUES ($myLED, $var_date , $var_time ) \" ;\nmsg.payload = [myLED, var_date , var_time ]\nreturn msg;\n\n\n//INSERT INTO LEDSTATUS (\n//id INTEGER,\n//STATUS TEXT,\n//Date DATE,\n//Time TIME,\n//PRIMARY KEY (id)\n//);\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 400, "y": 240, "wires": [ [ "e88e4e11603904f6" ] ] }, { "id": "9260190ef89016b8", "type": "ui_audio", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "voice": "Microsoft Hanhan - Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)", "always": true, "x": 245, "y": 80, "wires": [], "l": false }, { "id": "e88e4e11603904f6", "type": "sqlite", "z": "de94877be821c022", "mydb": "f5c97c74cc496505", "sqlquery": "msg.topic", "sql": "", "name": "LED_STATUS", "x": 560, "y": 240, "wires": [ [ "589b1aff948b3263", "110bac143ce4ff27" ] ] }, { "id": "b693b296bc9dbb05", "type": "debug", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "debug ", "active": true, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": false, "complete": "payload", "targetType": "msg", "statusVal": "", "statusType": "auto", "x": 690, "y": 380, "wires": [] }, { "id": "589b1aff948b3263", "type": "debug", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "debug ", "active": true, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": false, "complete": "payload", "targetType": "msg", "statusVal": "", "statusType": "auto", "x": 750, "y": 240, "wires": [] }, { "id": "7db7512aa212e480", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 9, "width": 4, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "檢視資料庫資料", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "檢視資料", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 100, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "110bac143ce4ff27", "6403be567fef0c83" ] ] }, { "id": "110bac143ce4ff27", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "檢視資料", "func": "//INSERT INTO LEDSTATUS (\n//id INTEGER,\n//STATUS TEXT,\n//Date DATE,\n//Time TIME,\n//PRIMARY KEY (id)\n//);\n\n//SELECT * FROM LEDSTATUS ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50;\n\nmsg.topic = \"SELECT * FROM LEDSTATUS ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50\";\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 400, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "f1ef1d5f3e800de8" ] ] }, { "id": "29be5aad6abe5c63", "type": "ui_table", "z": "de94877be821c022", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "name": "", "order": 7, "width": 10, "height": 10, "columns": [], "outputs": 0, "cts": false, "x": 730, "y": 320, "wires": [] }, { "id": "f1ef1d5f3e800de8", "type": "sqlite", "z": "de94877be821c022", "mydb": "f5c97c74cc496505", "sqlquery": "msg.topic", "sql": "", "name": "LED_STATUS", "x": 580, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "29be5aad6abe5c63" ] ] }, { "id": "39c7f86f462c38f1", "type": "sqlite", "z": "de94877be821c022", "mydb": "f5c97c74cc496505", "sqlquery": "msg.topic", "sql": "", "name": "LED_STATUS", "x": 860, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "d1bdc104e5232dd8" ] ] }, { "id": "93f502d303c88e81", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "order": 8, "width": 3, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "刪除所有資料 ", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "刪除所有資料 ", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 100, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "9559446ac1a4dd97", "d26bd8f6c50cf636" ] ] }, { "id": "b4c9b1e0bd818bb8", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "DELETE ALL DATA", "func": "//CREATE TABLE LEDSTATUS (\n//id INTEGER,\n//STATUS TEXT,\n//Date DATE,\n//Time TIME,\n//PRIMARY KEY (id)\n//);\n//CREATE TABLE LEDSTATUS (id INTEGER,STATUS TEXT,Date DATE,Time TIME,PRIMARY KEY (id));\nmsg.topic = \"DELETE from LEDSTATUS\";\nreturn msg;\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 670, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "39c7f86f462c38f1" ] ] }, { "id": "9559446ac1a4dd97", "type": "ui_audio", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "voice": "Microsoft Hanhan - Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)", "always": true, "x": 225, "y": 500, "wires": [], "l": false }, { "id": "d26bd8f6c50cf636", "type": "ui_toast", "z": "de94877be821c022", "position": "prompt", "displayTime": "3", "highlight": "", "sendall": true, "outputs": 1, "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "raw": true, "className": "", "topic": "", "name": "", "x": 290, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "6041efbb6dfef689" ] ] }, { "id": "6041efbb6dfef689", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "OK or Cancel", "func": "var topic=msg.payload;\nif (topic==\"\"){\n return [msg,null];\n \n}\nif (topic==\"Cancel\"){\n return [null,msg];\n \n}\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 2, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 460, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "b4c9b1e0bd818bb8" ], [] ] }, { "id": "6403be567fef0c83", "type": "ui_audio", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "1ce7dd030081ad24", "voice": "Microsoft Hanhan - Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)", "always": true, "x": 245, "y": 340, "wires": [], "l": false }, { "id": "d1bdc104e5232dd8", "type": "link out", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "link out 57", "mode": "link", "links": [ "87b1fdf101776a2f" ], "x": 845, "y": 380, "wires": [] }, { "id": "87b1fdf101776a2f", "type": "link in", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "link in 55", "links": [ "d1bdc104e5232dd8" ], "x": 915, "y": 380, "wires": [ [ "110bac143ce4ff27" ] ] }, { "id": "3f94a3388af27988", "type": "mqtt out", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "Control LED out", "topic": "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/LED_control", "qos": "1", "retain": "true", "respTopic": "", "contentType": "", "userProps": "", "correl": "", "expiry": "", "broker": "603bb104.d6134", "x": 280, "y": 20, "wires": [] }, { "id": "da7e7c410844086a", "type": "mqtt in", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "Control LED in", "topic": "alex9ufo/2024/RFID/LED_status", "qos": "1", "datatype": "auto-detect", "broker": "603bb104.d6134", "nl": false, "rap": true, "rh": 0, "inputs": 0, "x": 100, "y": 240, "wires": [ [ "2289c4addb72da83", "55cea575c649529c" ] ] }, { "id": "49b9f4b55227af6b", "type": "comment", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "TABLE RFIDtable", "info": "\n//CREATE TABLE \"RFIDtable\" (\n//\t\"id\"\tINT NOT NULL,\n// \"uidname\" TEXT,\n// \"currentdate\" DATE, \n// \"currenttime\" TIME\n//\tPRIMARY KEY(\"id\")\n//);\nmsg.topic = \"CREATE TABLE RFIDtable(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, uidname TEXT, currentdate DATE, currenttime TIME)\";\nreturn msg;\n", "x": 80, "y": 640, "wires": [] }, { "id": "12dc668a45158d33", "type": "comment", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "資料庫位置 C:\\Users\\User\\.node-red\\2024EX2_1.db", "info": "", "x": 190, "y": 680, "wires": [] }, { "id": "2fb1d9aa7e7a322d", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "26999cd202d71546", "order": 4, "width": 3, "height": 1, "passthru": false, "label": "建立RFID資料庫", "tooltip": "", "color": "", "bgcolor": "", "className": "", "icon": "", "payload": "建立資料庫", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 80, "y": 720, "wires": [ [ "20de3f201a4da6c8", "7605c0bb7b0637e4" ] ] }, { "id": "f69b58efbd541cfd", "type": "ui_button", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "", "group": "26999cd202d71546", "order": 5, "width": 4, 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'0'+h;\n}\n\nif(m<10)\n{\n m = '0' + m;\n}\n\nif(s<10)\n{\n s = '0' + s;\n}\nvar var_date = yyyy+'/'+MM+'/'+dd;\nvar var_time = h+':'+m+':'+s;\n\nvar myRFID = flow.get('uid_temp');\n\n\nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO RFIDtable ( uidname , currentdate, currenttime ) VALUES ($myRFID, $var_date , $var_time ) \" ;\nmsg.payload = [myRFID, var_date , var_time ]\nreturn msg;\n\n//CREATE TABLE \"RFIDtable\" (\n//\t\"id\"\tINT NOT NULL,\n// \"uidname\" TEXT,\n// \"currentdate\" DATE, \n// \"currenttime\" TIME\n//\tPRIMARY KEY(\"id\")\n//);", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 320, "y": 1000, "wires": [ [ "821536d470c11949", "8f4ae6e4f835aadd" ] ] }, { "id": "ed134d22fa068cce", "type": "function", "z": "de94877be821c022", "name": "DROP DATABASE", "func": "//DROP RFIDtable\n\nmsg.topic = \"DROP TABLE RFIDtable\" ;\nreturn msg;\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 640, "y": 1460, "wires": [ [ "572a42cab5fbfb24" ] ] }, 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WOKWI ESP32 LED Control , Node-Red MQTT SQLITE  

WOKWI ESP32 LED Control ,  Node-Red  MQTT SQLITE   const char broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org" ; //const char broker[] = "br...