2023年6月25日 星期日

Recommended Blogs

 Recommended Blogs

from ==>  https://node-red.blogspot.com/2016/02/recommended-blog.html

I want to show in this post people that are doing great work in this field of IOT and red node.

What they do is inspiring and helpful.  I admire those guys for their level of knowledge, hard work, smart ideas and for sharing what they know and what they do.

Andreas Spiess- YouTube Channel (click here)

Following this channel is a must for those who like or work in IOT field. The "guy with Swiss accent" offers insightful videos in a very didactic way.

Primal Cortex´s Weblog  (click here)

What amazing blog:  extremely well written and easy to understand. Many posts on Node-RED, Odroid, Linux, ESP8266 and their firmware (Sming and node MCU), MQTT and much, much more.

Scargill's Tech Blog (click here)

Another master in the field. His blog is plentiful of information on Node-RED, raspberry, home automation, ESP8266, hardware review, IOT and much more stuff that makers love to do. Peter has also a channel on Youtube (click here).

Node-Red Programming Guide (click here)

By the time of this writing, this is the best tutorial on the web. This is a work in progress, containing seven lectures and other two under development. The tutorial is offered by Sense Tecnic, the creators of FRED environment (click here).  I use the lecture to practice in the FRED environment (click here).



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