2020年10月23日 星期五

MQTT & Pubsubclient

 MQTT & Pubsubclient


The MQTT Protocol

Developing Applications

Documentation & Reference

Some links to articles and tutorials can be found via the legacy Documentation page. — FIXME these should move into the [technical articles](technical articles) and [blog posts](blog posts) pages

The legacy Frequently Asked Questions page also has some useful material if you are getting started. — FIXME these should be migrated into the questions page


It is a library provides a client for doing simple publish/subscribe messaging with a server that supports MQTT.


  • It can only publish QoS 0 messages. It can subscribe at QoS 0 or QoS 1.
  • The maximum message size, including header, is 128 bytes by default. This is configurable via MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE inPubSubClient.h.
  • The keepalive interval is set to 15 seconds by default. This is configurable via MQTT_KEEPALIVE in PubSubClient.h.
  • The client uses MQTT 3.1.1 by default. It can be changed to use MQTT 3.1 by changing value of MQTT_VERSION inPubSubClient.h.


The latest version of the library can be downloaded from GitHub.


The library comes with a number of example sketches. See File > Examples > PubSubClient within the Arduino application.

Full API Documentation



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