2017年12月2日 星期六

ESP8266 COAP Client





#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include "coap_client.h"

//instance for coapclient

coapClient coap;

//WiFi connection info

const char* ssid = "******";

const char* password = "*********";

const char* password = "*******";

//ip address and default port of coap server in which your interested in

IPAddress ip(129,132,15,80);//take ETH Zurich or coap.me server to run and check client

int port =5683;

// coap client response callback

void callback_response(coapPacket &packet, IPAddress ip, int port);

// coap client response callback

void callback_response(coapPacket &packet, IPAddress ip, int port) {

    char p[packet.payloadlen + 1];

    memcpy(p, packet.payload, packet.payloadlen);

    p[packet.payloadlen] = NULL;

    //response from coap server

 if(packet.type==3 && packet.code==0){

      Serial.println("ping ok");




void setup() {



    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

    Serial.println(" ");

    // Connection info to WiFi network



    Serial.print("Connecting to ");


    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {






    Serial.println("WiFi connected");

    // Print the IP address of client


    // client response callback.

    // this endpoint is single callback.


    // start coap client


    //get request to server (arguments ip adrress of server,default port,resource(uri))

    int msgid = coap.get(ip,port,"light");

    //observe request (arguments ip adrress of server,deafult port,resource name,interger(0) )

    //int msgid= coap.observe(ip,port,"light",0);

    //reset observe cancel

    //int msgid=coap.observecancel(ip,port,"resoucename");



//int i=0;

void loop() {

    bool state;


    // Requests

    //get request

    //int msgid = coap.get(ip,port,"hello");

    //put request

    //arguments server ip address,default port,resource name, payload,payloadlength

    //int msgid =coap.put(ip,port,"resourcename","0",strlen("0"));

    //post request

    //arguments server ip address,default port,resource name, payload,payloadlength

    //int msgid =coap.post(ip,port,"resourcename","0",strlen("0"));

    //delete request

    //int msgid = coap.delet(ip,port,"resourcename");


    //int msgid=coap.ping(ip,port);


    // int msgid=coap.observe(ip,port,"obs",0);


    state= coap.loop();

    // Serial.print("state=");









        //Serial.println("cancel observe");







Desktop version



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