2017年3月10日 星期五

Micropython DS1820 1wire devices


10. Controlling 1-wire devices

The 1-wire bus is a serial bus that uses just a single wire for communication (in addition to wires for ground and power). The DS18B20 temperature sensor is a very popular 1-wire device, and here we show how to use the onewire module to read from such a device.
For the following code to work you need to have at least one DS18B20 temperature sensor with its data line connected to GPIO12. You must also power the sensors and connect a 4.7k Ohm resistor between the data pin and the power pin.
import time
import machine
import onewire

# the device is on GPIO12
dat = machine.Pin(12)

# create the onewire object
ds = onewire.DS18B20(onewire.OneWire(dat))

# scan for devices on the bus
roms = ds.scan()
print('found devices:', roms)

# loop 10 times and print all temperatures
for i in range(10):
    print('temperatures:', end=' ')
    for rom in roms:
        print(ds.read_temp(rom), end=' ')
Note that you must execute the convert_temp() function to initiate a temperature reading, then wait at least 750ms before reading the value.

import machine #pour acc?der aux GPIOs
import onewire, ds18x20 #pour lire la sonde 1-wire    
import time

# (°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C or in plain english, First subtract 32, then multiply by 5,
# (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F or in plain English, Multiple by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32.

# the device is on GPIO12
dat = machine.Pin(12)
# create the onewire object
ds = ds18x20.DS18X20(onewire.OneWire(dat))
# scan for devices on the bus
roms = ds.scan()  
print('found devices:', roms)
# loop 10 times and print all temperatures
for i in range(10):
    print('temperatures:', end=' ')
    for rom in roms:
print(degreeF,'F', degreeC ,'C',  end=' ')

# Note that you must execute the convert_temp() function to initiate a temperature reading, then wait at # least 750ms before reading the value.



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